2024 Club Contest Yearly Awards


1. The objective of this award program is to incentivize club members to fly in as many contests across as many disciplines as they are willing to participate. Those that participate will be in contention for the Club Championship.

2. The disciplines considered for awards are:

a. F3K (DLG)
b. F5J (electric launch Altimeter/Motor Run Timer)
c. F5L (Rudder Elevator Spoiler - electric launch)

3. All contests will be scored in accordance with the discipline of the contest being held and using whatever scoring system the CD for the contest prefers.

4. All proceeds for the contest will be put into a kitty by the treasurer on a monthly basis. The nominal entry fee is $5.00 per contest.

5. Out of the total of the income from all the contests a fixed fund of $60.00 will be set aside for Discipline Awards for the three disciplines at a rate of $20.00 each. The awards are determined by of the Discipline Contest Coordinator (DCC) for that discipline and presented at the annual meeting.

6. At the Annual Meeting, the remaining contest proceeds ($T-$60.00) will be split on a 50%-50% basis with the club and the top three places in the Yearly Standings database.

7. The split of the winners 50% of the kitty will be:

a. 50% for first
b. 35% for second
c. 15% for third

8. Number of discipline contests and yearly scoring:

a. Each discipline will have a maximum of four official contests per year eligible for the awards program.

b. A club member can fly in any of, or all of, the disciplines and his Club Championship score will be additive from all the disciplines.

c. The final Club Championship score for each competitor will be the best total of six scores of any of the contests entered. (you must fly in more than one discipline to get six contests)


9. Each contestant's result for any particular contest will be normalized to 100 points against all the other competitors in that particular contest.

10. Each contestant's normalized score will then have an additional number of points added according to the number of contestants he/she bested.

       a. Example: If a contest had 20 contestants and the contestant being scored bested 15 of those contestants (came in 4th) an additional 15 points would be added to the normalized score.

Officials for Club Contests

11.Discipline Contest Coordinator (DCC)

    a. F3K             Mike Wizynajtys
    b. F5J              Ned Burdick
    c. F5L             John Ferguson

12. Overall Club Contest Coordinator       Mike Wizynajtys